Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm in the 80%

Did you know that most of your customers are spending their online time watching videos? Study after study finds that each demographic is steadily increasing their online video viewing each year! YouTube alone has more than 4 billion views per day! Nearly 80% of people (that's PEOPLE - not YOUNG people, or SINGLE people or HAPPY's the whole of the population of humans on the studies have been done on alien usage of internet video yet).... Nearly 80% of PEOPLE watch at least one video online per week. Is your demographic within that 80%? Perhaps you are targeting the 20% of non-internet-video-watching-human-beings. If so, then you're probably not reading a blog online either. So I'm talking to myself now.

Anyway, back to my point. 80% of people are watching videos online EACH WEEK. How can you reach this market? What type of video is best for you? Should you do it yourself or spend a small fortune to get the right video?

Here are 3 simple questions to ask yourself.

1. What is your competition doing? You have two choices once you answer that - do the same (but better), or go in a completely different direction. I tend to ignore my competition, honestly, and just do what my gut tells me to do. But if you are unsure how your particular industry would handle online videos, then search & see! If you like what you see, and you think it's working, then figure out how you can do it better than them. If you don't like what you see, or you know it's not working for them, then figure out how you can do a 180 and top them.

2. What are businesses complimentary to you doing? You know the ones I mean...the partners you seek out at a networking event...the people that are likely to give you a referral. What are they doing? You want their customers to consider you to supplement their service, so how can you tie into what they are doing? Perhaps you can even ask for a referral for the team that does their videos.

3. What does your teenage son or daughter say? Don't have kids? How about your neighbor's kid, niece, nephew, Facebook friend? While you may not be targeting this younger generation, they can give you alot of insight into what is currently trending and help point you in the right direction. They may even offer to do it for you...but wade into these waters carefully. While many youngsters are amazing at creating trendy, youthful videos, they may not create the right essence to reach your target market. Perhaps bring them in to advice the professional crew that you hire to do the job.

Whatever you do, keep these two thoughts in mind.

1. Do video - get out there - have a presence & reach the 80%.
2. Do a GOOD video - a bad video will only tell the 80% that you don't care. Whether it's a DIY video or a professional one, make sure the video fits with your current company image.

Darcie King
E Video Productions
twitter @evpdarcie

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