Friday, January 22, 2016

Howell Municipal Alliance - It Will Take A Community PSA

Sometimes a complex problem requires a complex solution. For the Howell Municipal Alliance, capturing the attention of a community affected by a substance abuse epidemic is indeed a complex problem. To help make the solution more attainable, EVP has partnered with the Alliance to make their message heard in a single, decisive call to action.

EVP immerses the audience in the stories of the individuals who have formed and are benefitting from this organization. By utilizing interviews which showcase the voices of township officials, administrators and young persons in recovery, it all leads to one clear conclusion: No one can solve this complex problem alone; yet when one individual steps up, he or she can truly help make a difference.

We helped the Alliance focus on this singular call-to-action: “It will take a community.” With a central message this strong, the complex suddenly seems simple! Partner with EVP to discover how we can help your business or organization stand out among the crowd with a focused and powerful statement.

Production Assistant

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