Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kinetic Type

We are getting lot of request for Kinetic Type videos, but they come with all sorts of names and strange descriptions. Kinetic Type is a graphics based video where words on the screen are animated in a way that they are choreographed to a voice-over and/or music. Not everything the voice-over says is on the screen - just key words to get the point across. It can be mixed with traditional graphics and live-action video. Kinetic Type videos are a great way to convey an abstract concept or jazz up a (sorry, I have to say it) boring subject. This type of video, especially with just graphics & production music, are much more affordable than most people think! Compared to a 3-day shoot with professional voice-over, a simple Kinetic Type video is less than a third the cost! As a matter of fact, our monthly video division - 12 Months of Video - has a new package that includes TWELVE quick videos that can feature Kinetic Type for only $75 per month! Here are a couple examples of Kinetic Type videos to get your creative juices flowing! Darcie King E Video Productions (609) 242-3760 Darcie is available for speaking engagements and would love to write articles on Video Marketing for your publications! Please contact her today!


riverguy07 said...

Excellent sample videos.... I like the concept.

riverguy07 said...

Excellent sample videos.... I like the concept.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting our blog! I appreciate your feedback.