Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Video with a Mission

E Video Productions is making our first international trek.  From February 3rd through February 10th, I (Kris) will be in the country of Haiti.  I know, I know, you're saying to yourself "Haiti, who in their right mind would want to go there?"  It's a missions trip with my local church.  I have been asked to go along and document the entire trip.  We have also been asked by the overall ministry that is supporting our church, RMI (Reciprocal Ministries International), to cover some of the other things that they do in Haiti for promotional and fund raising purposes. 

This will be, by far, the most exciting and nerve racking shoot I have ever been on.  But the funny thing is, I was more worried about how I was going to charge my camera batteries than the fact that I have to look for tarantulas when I go to shower in the morning.  The spiders don't bother me, but the lack of power does.  Is that weird?

I won't just be shooting video while I am there, though.  First and foremost, I am there on a missions trip with a purpose.  We are bringing along water filtration systems to the people of Dame Marie, Haiti.  Each system, which runs about $95, will fill the water needs of a family of 10 for 10 years!  That's impressive.  We are also, with the help of many generous individuals and corporations, providing 16 goats to the families there, not sure how they are gonna fit in the overhead compartments! Thank you to everyone who donated.

Well anyway, keep checking in on this blog through out the week for more updates on all the things that we see and so while we are in Haiti.

Kristopher King
Facebook: evideoproductions
Twitter: @evp_kris
Youtube: evideopr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kris, good luck on your Haiti expedition!