Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Beautiful Day

Last week, the EVP crew shot a TV pilot in scenic Colts Neck, NJ. When the team showed up at the site, the temperature was already near 100 degrees, with hardly a breeze, but everyone pulled through and put together some beautiful footage.

Above: Rich sets up his shot for the introduction.
The host, Chef Derek Martin, spent the day behind the grill and prepared some amazing food. The natural light we got from being outside on a hot summer day definitely was absolutely perfect. Spending the day on gorgeous property, poolside, with a grill running, I kept wondering to myself: is this really work? Of course, this is only the beginning of a process that involves compiling the footage and forging it into a coherent narrative that will be ready for the pitch.
Above: Darcie prepares Chef Derek for the shoot!

What caught my eye that day was how well the EVP team operated when problems came up (they always will). Unlike most of my other experience, such as in the restaurant business, where those in charge can often make problems worse by increasing anxiety or overreacting, the EVP team never spoke a harsh word to one another, and had quite a lot of fun on set. The atmosphere was very light for being as professional as it was, and that definitely helped move the project forward with a quick smoothness.
The process of placing equipment
and getting the set ready took a some time, but the filming picked up quickly and so did the temperature. I’d say the EVP shoot was a success as we were all invited to stay afterwards to taste Chef Derek’s food and jump in the pool to cool down.

The EVP team can't wait to share the footage with you, but as they say in the world of television, you'll just have to tune in next season!

Evan J. Backer
Social Media Intern
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